Women’s Discipleship
Summer 2021 Reading Group
“For Christians, weakness should be a way of life. Yet most of us try desperately to be sufficient on our own, and we resent our limitations and our needs. ”
you’re invited! Register today to join us for our summer reading group
We will meet in Kelly Hutchinson’s backyard over four Monday evenings during the months of June and July to read J.I. Packer’s book titled Weakness Is The Way: Life With Christ Our Strength.
Monday, June 14 & 28 from 6:30-7:45
Monday, July 5 & 19 from 6:30-7:45
If you, like me, struggle with discouragement over your weaknesses, you need to read this book. We all long to be admired for our strengths, yet we all find ourselves, beset with weakness (Heb. 5:2). Does this mean were stuck living with discouragement? No! There is an escape to joyful freedom. Dr. Packer knows the way. Walking us through 2 Corinthians, he shows it to us so that we, like Paul, can boast all the more gladly of [our] weaknesses.
— Jon Bloom
President, Desiring God Ministries; author, Not by Sight: A Fresh Look at Old Stories of Walking by Faith
Books are $9.45 each and we have a limited supply on hand, or you can order your own copies at Amazon.com
Registration Form
What if my book doesn’t arrive in time for the first discussion? Let us know and we will create a PDF version of Chapter 1 and send it to you. Be sure to register so that you can receive all of our emails and updates.
How long will each meeting last? We’ve scheduled an hour and fifteen minutes for each discussion.
What if I can’t make it every time? That’s okay! Come as often as you can and don’t worry if you miss a day, you can jump back in easily.
Can I join even if I’ve missed the first meeting? Absolutely! It is never too late to join in no matter how many times we’ve met. Our goal is that in addition to learning, we enjoy the time with each other. You are always welcome.
Will you offer another day or time? It is always possible that we could offer another day and time. Talk to us about your interest and we’ll keep you posted.
Will we meet in person or via Zoom? We are meeting in person in Kelly Hutchinson’s backyard. We will send out meeting information before each time we gather so be sure to register so that you will receive those updates.
Discussion Questions for june 14
Chapter 1
About Weakness
What are the three types of strength that Packer describes?
What is weakness?
What does being ”aware of our limitations” enable us to do?
What does the author say “our present purpose is” in the Paul and the Corinthians section?
List what the problems were with the Corinthian church?
What were the “super apostles”? What were they doing that concerned Paul?
The three purposes behind Paul’s letter will form the outline for the rest of this book. What are they?
The author describes the weakness Paul feels as “coming to a climax.” What led him to this point and the weakness he describing?
How did God answer Paul’s “three solemn spells of petitionary prayer” and what is Paul’s response? (Read 2 Cor. 12.9-10)
Personal Postscript
Have you personally experienced that “the Christian way of life and service is a walk of weakness?”
Are there ways that you feel weak and can relate to the author’s “acquaintance with Satan‘s skill in generating gloom and discouragement?”
Discussion Questions for june 28
Chapter 2
Christ and the Christian’s Calling
What reasons does Packer give for describing 2 Corinthians as “unlike any other letter that Paul wrote”?
What is it that the Corinthians suspect about Paul? How does he “sweep the idea aside”?
In “Paul’s Motivations,” Packer tells us about Paul’s threefold motivations. What is the first one, and what does it require of us?
What is his second motivation? Why must we “watch our step”?
What rewards do “Jesus and the New Testament writers tell us about”? What are these rewards for?
What is it that Paul says “fire will disclose” on the day of judgement?
In 2 Cor. 5.11, Paul writes, “Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade others.” Who does the “we” in this statement refer to, and what point is he making here about them?
What is his third motivation?
Describe the two great acts whereby Jesus became our Savior.
How are we now “different people than what we were”?
In the section “The Stupendous Exchange,” Packer discusses “Paul’s analysis [given in 2 Cor. 5.18] under three heads, focusing on reconciliation.” What are they?
In “Weakness and Vocation” Packer asks, “Now, what has all this to do with the way of weakness?” And then, he offers three ways that the Gospel message “addresses” us. What are these three ways?
How would you respond to this quote from the end of the chapter?
The author says that, “For all Christians, the likelihood is rather that as our discipleship continues, God will make us increasingly weakness-conscious and pain-aware, that we may learn with Paul that when we are conscious of being weak, then—and only then—may we become truly strong in the Lord. And should we want it any other way? What do you think?”
Discussion questions for july 5
Chapter 3: Christ and the Christian’s Giving
How does Packer answer the question “What is money?” (Pg. 57)
How are we to use the money that God has given to us? (1 Timothy 6.17-19)
What does the author mean when he describes “the baptismal pattern of through-death-into-new-life-with-Christ?”
What does Packer say the real reason is for Paul to write this letter and why is it so important to him?
How is Christian giving a “spiritual gift?” How is it a discipline? (Pg. 70)
How is Christian giving “management of God’s money” and how does this way of thinking differ from how the world views money? (Pg. 73)
In what ways is Christian giving a ministry? (Pg. 74)
What should the Christian mindset be regarding money? (Pg. 7)
How does Packer handle the question “how much should one give? Specifically, should we tithe?”
In the five sections following “Why Should Christians Give?” is there anything that was new to you or that you found particularly helpful? (Pg. 79-86)
Finally, how does Packer answer the question: “What has all this to do with walking the pathway of weakness?”
Discussion questions for july 18
Chapter 4
How does Packer say “spontaneous hope” spurs us on in the first half of our lives? (p91)
How does our understanding of hope change as we age? (p91-92)
On pg 98-99 how does Packer explain Paul’s opening and closing bookends as upbeat (and not down) in the face of his weakness?
In the “Supernaturalized Living” section, what are the “jars of clay” and what is the “treasure?” (p 100)
What is the “dying process” described by Packer and Paul? (p 101) How does the power of hope “animate and propel” ministers of Christ? (p102)
In the “Glory” section, what are the three “distinct though connected senses” that glory is used? (p103-106)
In “Hope Fulfilled” discuss in order the three things that are the “content of Paul’s certainties.” (p107-115)
In “Look Forward, and look to Christ” what are the “aspects of what is sometimes called the all-sufficiency of Christ?” (p117)
Do you have any thoughts about what you’ve learned in this book?